Lloyd Urbanowski Trophy – League Champions

Champions – The LLOYD URBANOWSKI Trophy – in recognition of Coach Urbanowski’s service, support & dedication to promoting football in Manitoba.

2022 East Side EAGLES

            Game MVP Offensive  – East Side #21 Darnell Udoh    Game MVP Defensive – St.Vital #15 Caleb Thiessen

 2021 St. Vital MUSTANGS

            Game MVP Offensive – Kaan Britchok – Mustangs            Game MVP Defensive – Reed Davies – Eagles

2020 COVID

2019 East Side EAGLES

2018 Transcona NATIONALS

2017  Transcona NATIONALS

2016  St. Vital MUSTANGS

2015  East Side EAGLES

2014  Fort Garry LIONS

2013  Fort Garry LIONS

2012  East Side EAGLES

2011  St. Vital MUSTANGS

2010  Transcona NATIONALS

2009  North Winnipeg NOMADS

2008  North Winnipeg NOMADS

2007  St. James RODS

2006  St. James RODS

2005  St. James RODS

2004  St. Vital MUSTANGS

2003  East Side EAGLES

2002  St. James RODS

2001  St. Vital MUSTANGS

2000  St. James RODS

1999  St. Vital MUSTANGS

1998  St. Vital MUSTANGS

1997  St. James RODS

1996  Transcona NATIONALS

1995  Transcona NATIONALS

1994  St. Vital MUSTANGS

1993   St. Vital MUSTANGS

1992  St. Vital MUSTANGS

1991  St. James RODS

1990  St. James RODS

1989  St. Vital MUSTANGS

1988  St. Vital MUSTANGS

1987  St. Vital MUSTANGS

1986 St. James RODS

1985 St. James RODS

1984 St. Vital MUSTANGS

1983 St. Vital MUSTANGS

1982  Ft. Garry LIONS

1981  Ft. Garry LIONS

1980  Ft. Garry LIONS

1979  Ft. Garry LIONS

1978  Ft. Garry LIONS

1977  Ft. Garry LIONS

1976  St. Boniface WARRIORS

1975  St. Boniface WARRIORS

1974  St. James RODS


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Manitoba Major Junior Football League © 2021